When customers come to us for virus removal services, the question we’re always asked is “Why have I got a virus?”. In our experience, the main reasons for a computer having a virus are simple: Either the computer does not have any internet security installed, or the installed security is out of date. It is important to have a computer fully protected with a tried and tested internet security package, to prevent malware and spyware from infecting your PC.

If you require our virus removal services or simply want to know more about what our services entail, contact us by phone or by visiting our retail store on The Ridgeway.

Computer Cabin recommends Bullguard internet security a free 30 day trial can be found here. We have been using this internet security for over 10 years and have many customers also using it and are very happy with it.


Recent awards won by Bullguard:



Computer Cabin recommends Bullguard internet security: a free 30 day trial can be found here. We have been using this internet security for over 10 years and have many customers also using it and are very happy with it.

Recent awards won by Bullguard.


Viruses can make their way onto your computer through scam emails. Always be vigilant when you receive an email and if you do not recognise the email or are unsure in any way, DO NOT OPEN IT.

If you have a virus or rogue software on your computer, don’t worry. Our virus removal services can help you! Please look at our computer health check section. Create link back.

Prevention is always better than cure. So here are some usual tips:



IF you receive an email and do not recongonise it – DO NOT OPEN IT


If you receive an email and the wording is in broken English – DO NOT OPEN IT


If you download software online, make sure it is from a trusted website


If you download software online. Always check what other software is bundled in with it and delete as required


If you receive an email linking you to a website. Always make sure it is a trusted site. But overall. IF YOU DO NOT RECOGNISE IT – DELETE IT.



You can also contact us on 01752 341222 or simply pop into our retail store on the Ridgeway in Plympton.